Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > revelation as Eternal Possibility present > Page 5


Unveilings (No. 2) ~ The Empty Chair

surfaces evoking awareness of Depths

Page 5

We humans seek control through knowledge, how could this not have become our tendency, in the light of our finiteness being moved about within Infinity and by forces seen and unseen we have no control over? I, for example, am writing this almost midnight. I am hopefully going to sleep well tonight, later, and wake up refreshed and thankful for another day. Yet, I have no control over that. This body I have sought to honor and care for may not see another tomorrow. No one has control, we are a part of Revelation happening, and birth and death are part of that Unveiling. If this body were to die tonight, that would not be bad in itself, though I wish this body to live as long as with it Life can be enjoyed, rather as natural as birth, both equally an expression of Grace.

simply put
scientifically put
an empty chair is never empty
and emptiness itself is a moving-something
and no one can say what that moving-something is
hence emptiness is itself empty of any explanation

* * *

If all knowledge is relative, what is left for us? Well, as Rohr speaks, above, "We have moved from wondering to answering, and that has not served us well." Rational thinking assists us much in daily life, in functioning pragmatically. Without this capability, I would not know how to feed myself, to drive, or how to sit down or stand up. Yet, this same rationality, that helps in using my computer or learning advanced mathematics, is ill-suited to speaking of anything subtle. Even mathematicians know math is a symbol system, even physicists know they can only provide images indicative of reality, not explanatory of it. ~ What if religious creeds, confessions, and doctrines were seen as indicative, evoking within us a deeper appreciation of the Truth, rather than read as explanations? ~ Nature reveals, for nature is poetic, suggesting and seducing, not explaining, not clarifying, but evoking awe and wonder.

What is Beauty? What is Love? What is Harmony? What is Innocence? Reason cannot explain an empty chair, even as it cannot explain where ultimately a form called "body" ultimately comes from, what all makes this one body of anyone or anything actual in this one moment appearing, a moment to die into the Momentless the next moment. This is a reason we hear about scientific theory, rarely of scientific fact. This is why so many different religious sects live side-by-side in our world, each claiming to have the one, correct version of Truth, when what each has are ideas, possibly to some extent pointing to Truth, but ideas not themselves Truth, at all. An idea is never Truth. No one can tell me what exactly is in an empty chair or sitting in a chair, only provide words and images and feelings in speaking of something in an empty chair or of something sitting in a chair; and, even then, this something is a complex of somethings.


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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > revelation as Eternal Possibility present > Page 5

©Brian Wilcox 2025